McKinsey & Company

Series of branded illustrations for McKinsey’s website and flagship publication, McKinsey Quarterly.
Click here to learn more about their new brand identity.

Answering Society's Call: A New Leadership Imperative ︎
New leadership benchmarks for CEOs: future vision beyond problems at hand, build trust and inspire while being morally responsible. ︎Link to article

All In: From Recovery to Agility at Spark New Zealand ︎

Team members describe the challenges and rewards of implementing agility rapidly—and the power of a “no plan B” approach to change. ︎Link to article

A Game Plan for Quantum Computing ︎

Thanks to technology advances, some companies may reap real gains from quantum computing within five years.
What should you do to prepare for this next big wave in computers? ︎Link to article

Five Ways That ESG Creates Value ︎

Getting your environmental, social, and governance (ESG) proposition right will link to higher value creation. ︎Link to article

In disruptive times, the power comes from people: An interview with Eric Schmidt ︎

As we enter a new golden age of technological innovation, nurturing talent will become more critical, according to the former chairman of Alphabet. ︎ Link to article