Op-Ed illustrations | The Boston Globe

Weekly assignments on a variety of subjects. Most notably: Foreign policy and sustainable development.

︎ Funding the military, not foreign aid ︎

︎ Leaving the Middle East︎

︎ Muslim Ban︎

︎ The new foreign policy ︎

︎ Trump’s populism ︎

︎ Equal taxing ︎ 

︎ Identity Goals for America ︎

︎ Underfunding budgets︎

︎ Southern democrats ︎
︎ Russia’s Global Ambition (Unpublished) ︎

︎ CIA Torture ︎

︎ War and Peace  ︎

︎ The shifting global landscape ︎

︎ Sustainable Development ︎

︎ Political Beer (unpublished) ︎